Category Archives: Teachers

Niek Huizenga, young entrepreneur and IT specialist

Niek Huizenga is a Dutch entrepreneur, 30 years young, (almost) married and living in Groningen (the Netherlands). During his  studies — BSc. in IT and MSc. in Business & Economics — he started several businesses. He divides his time between studying and working in the Netherlands and working in various African countries.  We talked to him about his strategies for finding information, the usefulness of open access, and the difficulties that people in Africa experience finding the right information.

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Craig Dylke, teacher and artist

CCraig Dylkeraig Dylke is known on the Internet as Traumador the Tyrannosaur (the name of his Dinosaur puppet). He’s a Canadian born primary teacher, currently residing in Hong Kong where he teaches English and Science at an international primary school. He integrates scientific topics and themes into most of his lessons, and in his off hours he is a very prolific palaeo-artist (someone who tries to recreate long extinct prehistoric life through art).

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